What you call a large amount of goods your to lazy to put on the shelf or merchandise.
“Rachel avoided her job and left her coworkers a pile of fodder to deal with”
by _EPlC_ October 24, 2023
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something that is absolute ass in power or lacks in skill
"goku solos everyone"
"shut up that verse is fodder"
by ryxuu November 18, 2021
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Meaning wanting food
"I'm really in the mood for some fodder today"
by Kitune April 21, 2019
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Kyle fodder describes person or persons who is so openly chavvy scummy or outrageously common that they seem as if straight off the sofa of the Jeremy Kyle show
"Oh my god, she was caught doing what? She's such Kyle fodder.

"Darren is 24 hasn't worked a day in his life but is head to toe in Adidas and smart devices, total Kyle fodder

"Jesus Christ she's on the third 'love of her life' this year and it's March, such Kyle fodder
by lebodge August 24, 2019
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An issue that when emerges, feeds anger and makes people jitter and they will argue right at first mention. The grounds may be valid at both of the opposing sides.
- People always argue about fireworks. One is angry about the noise and they fear of household animals having severe stress. In addition the government spends a lot of public money on this entertainment while the country has money problems. The opposing people demand traditions and entertainment.

-Yes, everbody argues about this, fireworks are a true rage fodder.
by HonorableJudgeMental August 22, 2022
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a semi-offensive term for an NHL player traded to another club less than 48 hours prior to the March 1 NHL Trade Deadline.
If you want to make a smooth transition to your new club, please ask your old team not to make you cannon fodder
by Sexydimma September 17, 2016
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