To be disturbed by someone or something during the act of making love just as the female part becomes highly stimulated, often happens during oral sex.
Gee Honey. I was just getting so hot as you were down on me licking and sucking but the dog comes crashing thru the door causing me to suffer the frustration of Clitoris Interruptus.
by Steve52 February 23, 2009
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If a women takes steroids, she gets an englarged clit
Yo dude, that hoe from last thursday had a enlarged clitoris and huge arms!
by ElSmog69 February 7, 2017
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Part exclamation, part pick-up line, it is used to convince another of the benefits of sleeping with the speaker, or simply to give another a strong urge to sleep with the speaker. The appropriate response is always some variant of, "I want to sleep with you."
Rick: Clitoris Shitoris.
Mayur: Oh, I want to sleep with you.
by Jameson Hall April 2, 2007
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A term you can use to define your friends which means based.
me: hey bro you are such a Stinky Monkey Clitoris!

bro: aw thanks dude you are a Stinky Monkey Clitoris too!
by motorcucle88 April 21, 2023
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