An Fnf mod that got discontinued sadly bc the creator dokkidoodlez got death threats over a mod
by Inotpurplegirlgachastudios016 October 29, 2023
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Non contact altercation where the aggressor follows target hiding in bushes yell/whispering bizarre sexual threats
He's from outta town so he has no idea this is a Bensalem fist fight, maybe we should punch him?
by WSGM the Talk December 12, 2020
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1) a rare and unplanned event simultaneously occurring alongside or within another event of importance
2) an event or activity that would uniquely surprise an individual
3) an unexpectedly awesome discovery
After dinner, I headed back to my place. When I turned on the TV, I saw the entire gunfight at the O.K. corral from Tombstone. Better than a cat fight at the circus!!!
by HolsingerTX August 31, 2023
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fighting a life sentence; if convicted, will spend the rest of ones days behind the prison yard fences
Jacob: Where has Anthony been at?

Hunter: You didn't hear? He's fighting life, goes to trial next month
by writersoftheearthuniverse April 22, 2023
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fighting a life sentence; if convicted, will spend the rest of ones days behind the prison yard fences
Jacob: Where has Anthony been at?

Hunter: You didn't hear? He's fighting life, goes to trial next month
by writersoftheearthuniverse April 22, 2023
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When one wets their middle finger with saliva and another person does the same. The two wet fingers then clash in an intense battle resembling wet noodles.
Dude, why does your finger smell weird? Oh I just got done having a noodle fight
by A wet Pringle sandwich January 5, 2019
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