1. (vulgar) the penis.
2. A currency used in Vietnam. The current exchange rate for a Dong is 22,540 dong for one dollar.
1. My dong is a 7 incher.
2. The dong is a currency used in Vietnam. It costs 22,540 dong to get one dollar!
by Orexio November 23, 2016
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Your peen bigger than normal so therefore you have a fat DONG
Hey Tim, nice DONG you got there.
by D ANDER DADDY January 29, 2019
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a othier word for dick
why is your dong so big!!!!!!!!
by soya sauce March 17, 2021
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Dong means a guy who wanna be young, rich, handsome, sexy, hot, cute and pretty.

Greedy boiiiii
Hey! Are you dong?
by so_sososo August 16, 2021
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A Korean slang word for feces, often used especially by children.
Ha ha, he just stepped in dong!
by August 11, 2021
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