a person, place, or thing with many positive qualities is said to be "buck"
man my girl friend is Buck !
by hamghetti... September 21, 2006
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Another name for "mate" or "friends". May be considered slightly rude.
Girl : "Listen up, bucks!"
Boy: "What do you think about this, bucks?"
by finalllyfree December 28, 2016
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noun; a state of complete drunkiness, common among wisconsinites,
noun examples
Last night I got so buck that I found my futon in a dumpster at the pizza hut last night.
If I am going to have sex with this mediocre girl I think I will need to get buck enough so that my goggles cannot detect her negative features.
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Going Completely "Buck Wild" while intoxicated or extremely obliterated---i.e, the third degree of "wild", as follows:

1. Wild: moderately tipsy...and clumsy.

2. Buck Wild: spilling your drink, tipping over random objects and being a dancing queen.

3. Obliteration: your friends are carrying you home. you are "that" girl or boy.

Please Note: Getting buck wild is soon followed by obliteration.
Buck Wild:

No one else is dancing. But you.

You are owning the dance floor..

Until you wake up to youtube videos of you booty popping to john mayer.
by reevo September 3, 2012
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Bucks can be used in western slang to represent 'buttcheeks'.
"The old man’s two bucks flapping right on the seat beside me."
This is a quote from the hit play "Buried Child".
by Birboi October 7, 2021
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that hot weasel from Ice age
rando- who’s your favorite character from ice age?

me- buck !!!!
by hetelia_ December 23, 2020
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The fictional monies in which junkies claim they are going to use to pay for their imaginary, and often, lavish purchases.
Junkie: "Yeah man, I'm gonna buy a boat and we can all hang out on it and rip around and lay in the sun!"
Bystander: "Using what? Junkie Bucks?"
by MiboEbo August 26, 2021
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