Having period cramps after eating spicy food, when you're about to use the bathroom the small period blood clots are extremally uncomfortable, more than usual, because of the added spice, it turns your usually bleeding vagina into Mt. Krakatoa.
Did you hear about Lauren? She ate Spicy Ramen on her period, now she's got the jelly jam jimmies for the rest of the day!
by sena juan June 6, 2022
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This is a term used by an individual to express how insanely jealous they are of another person's belongings or situation. The Jelly is an abbreviation for Jealous, the AF stands for As F**k.
Stuart: OH my gosh, I just won the $600 Million jackpot on the powerball lottery!!!
Brian: Wow, I'm Jelly AF!
by The real C mama January 7, 2022
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That person's shirt is so small, you can see there jelly button. SMH.
by heyitstessa November 25, 2016
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The hole through which jelly is injected into a jelly-filled doughnut.
A man with a beard has the best chance of cleanly eating a jelly-filled doughnut if he starts at the jelly button.
by Bald-Matt March 13, 2020
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When you jerk off onto your pillow and got to sleep without wiping it up
Dude, I was watching porn and fell asleep. I woke up 10 minutes later and realized I was rolling in my sleepy time jelly
by GoEatShortsOffBartsbutt August 9, 2017
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When you fuck a fat batch and you get a smacking sound
Daniel and jennifer had a good jelly smashing
by Big here 69 September 26, 2015
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