A man who has many talents, some of which include, Law Enforcement, Being Cool, and Sucking cock for money.
That cop is a Anthony Taulbee
by Loegan July 1, 2019
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he is a really great boy, he makes you happy and he will always make yu happy no mstter what, he is very much a freak but he will make you happy, kinda sped, gives you what you want and need, everybody knows him in good ways and bad ways but hes worth it ..
" i want anthony butts "
" ye me too he a freeak but he got a gf "
by pradaa4herr_ May 19, 2023
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i wanted to borrow money from my friend but hes such an anthony ramsden
by tanisha24365 July 2, 2018
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just an ick. everything about him is an ick
he’s so annoying. yeah he’s an anthony gennuso
by Panda man18 December 22, 2022
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When you slip on a piece of shit and cause a testicle to get lodged up your own rectum.
Almost gave myself an Anthony Rubio in the shower last night!
by Longshlongjoe February 2, 2022
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A Greasy Anthony is a high school student ( particularly Italian ), who believes he is the second coming of Jesus Christ. He treats everyone except his blind puppets like trash, drives a slightly above average car with the Italian flag somewhere on his car to remind you of his heritage and gloats about it to all of his simple minded adorers. They usually have poser military fade haircuts because they are afraid to show some originality, bright collection of mismatching shoes ( every color of the rainbow ), football/wrestling scholarship in the future, good shape with spray tan and blinding white teeth from too much mouth wash, greasy hair with or without gel, low-eye lid brown eyes and extremely laid back attitude or open-eye lid eyes with an extremely obnoxious and cocky attitude, lays back at their desk, leaves feet in between desk rows for people to trip on, sits in the back to talk shit about the students in front and throw paper at them and deny throwing it, or when they are caught they say "you mad bro?" while smiling smugly?douchely. Then say "I was just messing with you bro" while not losing their posture or atitude.
Buttersworth: I don't like the new kid in class.

Francois: What don't you like about him?

Buttersworth: The way he prides himself around like he's above everyone else.

Francois: Yeah he's a real Greasy Anthony that schmuck.
by Josh Butterballs January 14, 2014
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