one who provides, knowingly or unknowingly, incorrect information, confidently as if it where fact. the false information is then backed up by some magnificent (fictitious) source of origination.

anyone who is NOT Chuck Norris.
Mr. Miyagi always told Daniel-san that Ford Mustangs are for 16 year-old girls, according to a double blind study done by Seventeen magazine. Daniel-san called Mr. Miyagi a False Stat Guy since badass Bobby (from the Cobra Kai dojo) drives the automatic V8 GT model.
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Definition: the hot man that sits in front of you in your statistics class.

He has bulging muscles you can stare at for days (and will!) and many tattoos. He will likely be drawing dinosaurs and showing you the tattoo of jesus on his arm--which you will gladly stare at.
Girlfriend, I didn't take any notes today because I was waaaaay too busy staring at hot stats man!

Girl: Hey, did you see that guy with the Jesus tattoo and the Iron Maiden belt buckle?

Guy: Yeah! That's Hot Stats Man!
by keeeeerrrrr December 13, 2010
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Where you wanna say “suck my dick” to somebody being annoying or irritating but you don’t wanna be inappropriate.
by aucdan July 30, 2022
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term used when a friend/acquaintance/colleague shows no knowledge or understanding of a topic of interest.
You: "Dude did you hear about Moss getting traded to the Titans?"

Friend: "He got traded again?"

You: "C'mon bro get your stats up."

Friend: "Sorry I'm constipated...."

You: "......"
by Underdog46 November 7, 2010
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Short for ‘Relationship Status’. The status of one’s current relationship (single, in a relationship, it’s complicated, divorced, separated, etc).
“Damn, that guy is hot. Do you know his ship stat?”
by jjjosh December 25, 2017
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Understanding and reading statistics, but refusing to acknowledge them due to a biased opinion.
by Yungblood20 October 23, 2023
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