like in hogwarts there are muggles

but now there are people who are smug thus
we shall say that they are smuggle
he is a smuggle dont let him win an argument
by youwillneverknoe February 22, 2021
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When you forcibly grab your pets for snuggles and kisses.
Watch out Puddin', I'm coming to smuggle you!
by heidismiles September 11, 2021
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People who have so much money that they can smile warmly while explaining in the most kind, condescending way how they're going to fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
Betsy DeVos, one of the President's favorite Smuggles, will take away taxpayer money to fund public schools and give it to her private-school-owning-friends, so that your kid can work for her friends' kid, and make her friend's kid rich.
by mysticklemom January 18, 2019
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Used to describe a man's package when it is prominently on display and hard not to notice.
Did you see the pants that John was wearing just walking around smuggling puppies.
by XH2806 August 1, 2022
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To violently force packaged Sweetarts (stick-style) into the anus and eat them at a later period. No lubrication used in process.
Josh:I just walked in on my brother to see him Sweetart Smuggling!

Katrina:That's disgusting dude!
by KetchupSunshine November 8, 2010
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An attempt by an individual to smuggle negative emotions past another individual's awareness by the use of a disingenuous and ubiquitous statement; sometimes for the intent and purpose of using said emotions to inflict harm at a later and more opportune time.
Her: "I'm fine with it."
Him: "Yeah, I'm going to call BS on that on account of sentence smuggling. Tell me how you REALLY feel."
by Jinsei_KC March 22, 2016
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