1. When two or more people smoke a lot of resin from a bong, a group state of consciousness occurs which can only be classified as murk city. This correlates with the term murked except it happens after smoking a lot of resin..
*Cough Cough* *Cough Cough* "Murk City!!"
by Popovich February 8, 2007
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When you get destroyed by your friends, and have nothing to say to defend yourself, and are then left helpless.
"Holy shit dude, you just got murked out"
"Come on man, dont murk me out"
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Give them the Murk is to stare them down all hardcore and watch them melt. U for sure need to put your lips to the side too.
What you know bout the murk face niglet? AINT NOTHING
by Ivan YouKNow September 29, 2006
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a great lyrical writer that can dominate wordplay while still getting the point or meaing across clearly
That guy, Kenny, is a Murk McNasty when it comes to writing song lyrics.
by Kuhlerblynd April 28, 2011
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See also;Adavanced Placment Murking. The educational process of murking in an advanced placment and setting, skill obtained with hands on training.
To Murk; To use to fullest potential or to take advantage of in the most efficiant and productive manner, exersized in an art-like fashion.

The example takes place in the setting of a teenage/college party. The moral of the story is this girl who current had a so called " boyfriend " got "murked" now this kid is made of money im that G reppin Advanced placement murking, so while overly infatuated with his ownership of his girlfriend he left her unattended with confidence so being that shes extremely attractive and I 've obtained my degree in murking I "murked" the chick conviently making out with her sucking on her neck ect, and he casually walks out and SHE WAS MURKED as well as her boyfriend. This is a prime exmple of some a.p. Murking.
by Crills and Bills September 7, 2006
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