On March 9 is when we go ham. I made it on March 9th because it’s the 69th day of the year. Good luck boys.
Friend) Are you participating in March 9
Me) Of course who isn’t participating in National Jerk Off Day.
by AFrickenGenius November 17, 2019
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A phrase used to describe any charlie whiskey prior girlfriend who was a fucking psychotic bitch...the only reason you stayed with her was to get in those guts. The crazy ones can usually fuck your wheels off.
Well, what can I say, that bitch was just a warm place to jerk off.
by fuck you...I was getting ass August 14, 2005
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(noun) - The feeling you get while jerking off to a video of your ex-girlfriend on the internet (that you posted) in which you are having sex with her.
<ring ring> hello?

What the hell's your problem? You posted a video of us having sex on the internet after i broke up with you!?

Oh ya, and i had some wicked jerk off déjà vu last night.


by Noro Machine August 7, 2010
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Refers to the outburst of social media updates when you meet someone new of the opposite sex who is absolutely awesome and completely changes your life. Instead of blowing a load of cum; it's a bunch of statuses and tweets.
Gina: "Holy crap, did you see all of Lincoln's statuses and tweets last night?" Rachel: "Yeah I heard they are all about Danielle" Connor: "She was so awesome he had to social media jerk off!"
by MC Lightning May 5, 2013
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When a guy jerks off intensely making Turkey noises and then cums on his girlfriend's back and sticks feathers to it
by Kinkyp33nyborder June 28, 2015
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The act in which a male (or transgender female) dresses like Eminem and forces his/her's for/guy to call them Slim shady.
Yo yesterday I pulled off The Slim Shady Jerk off and your sister loved it
by Marshall maners October 24, 2018
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The Opposite to a jack-of-all-trades.
someone who sucks at everything.
Or someone you dislike severly
A: yo dude did you see C yesterday?
B: pfft, i hate him, he's a jerk-off all trades...
A:Fo' Shiz
by The JC August 26, 2007
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