Any type of technology work that has the illusion of being rewarding and interesting, but is actually mundane, mindless, and tedious -- the service sector job of the future.
Todd thought he was hot-shit when he landed that job at job at Apple, but they've got his ass stuck in a cubicle flippin' digital burgers all day.
by exesforeyes October 8, 2007
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flippin burgers is a state of agression,when some person becomes inraged or is very angery and acts out with alot of foul language..
"Man joe was about to lay that guy out man,you should have seen him.He was flippin / flipping burgers man"
by mario cheeseman July 17, 2008
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f*@!in' them b!tchs
to my hommies who be flippin them birds
by Ballin in BA! February 6, 2003
Get the flippin them birds mug. be angry and leave / storm out be furious about something leave without being noticed
"nah this is f-ckin gay, i'm flippin' out the back dou'"
by fightingfor211 June 7, 2009
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getting a blow job while driving going under 30mph on a back road
my girl gave me a double dippin' flippin' jackson yesturday on the way home.
by big D boyles March 12, 2015
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a sweet thing to text/say to someone that shows they mean a lot to you. similar to 'i love you', only cuter and not as serious.
person1 (out of the blue)- i flippin love you

person2- aww thats adorable :) you just made my day
by loveseverybody September 23, 2010
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