A figure of speech for calling out a hypocrite. For shaming someone because they accused someone else on something the accuser is also accountable for.
Democrat: Man I hate Repulicans.
Republican: Yeah, I don't like you Democrats either.
Democrat: You are a hateful bigot for saying that.
Republican: Okay. And you are a pot calling a cattle black
by JustKeepingItRealMan March 8, 2019
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Proforming intercourse whilst attached to jumper cables from either the nipples, clavicle maximus or upper humerous. (preferably 6-12 volts)
Felix-"Samantha and i are getting pretty serious, she said she wanted to try a Irish Cattle Prod tonight!"

Stan- "that sounds great!"
by CristianFlorindi October 14, 2014
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Ole boy, drives a tractor trailer all day (sun up-sun down)
Always has a sore buttocks.
Constantly looking for workers on his farm but more importantly someone to rub his big fat ass!
Claims his ass looks like rigotta cheese wrapped tight in a plastic bag.
Claims his ass looks a pickle that’s been stepped on by a football team with cleats on.
Doesn’t like having them little cellulose bubbles in his ass and wants a good rub down.
That big bastard on the tractor is a Big Ole Bad Ass Bob the Cattle Rustler! His ass must be sore!
by Badger girl 317 January 15, 2022
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Let's go feed the cattle! (then walk to the nearest patch of grass and poor out the repulsive drink)
by Lwan sake October 10, 2009
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Cattle Drapes are a lot like "Beef Curtains" They're a name for the most heinous, tattered, frayed, stained, busted and discolored pussy lips in existence. If a woman has Cattle Drapes before she turns 65 she obviously is amazing in bed. Don't let the wreckage of her box fool you. Those Cattle Drapes separate, allow you in and then they rejoin themselves to each other around the shape of your cock. It's pretty amazing and can cause instant ejaculation if you're not used to the airtight seal the Drapes make around your cock whether thrusting forward or retracting, full shaft, sans the helmet, backed out of the meaty, visually baffling vagina, then slammed back in.
Most people love a nice set of Beef Curtains but it's the Cattle Drapes that fill you up and leave you fully satisfied.

You must be 18 to ride this face. C'mon teenyboppers, move along with your Cattle Drapes.
by Miss. Behave & WayOutWestes August 29, 2023
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Large groups of people that are easily swayed and directed through the use of simple cues, often to their own slaughter, even when they smell blood, hear the screams, and can see the other cows being dismembered.
Did you see China handle it's cattle problems?
Yeah too many dogs in America to treat people like Cattle
by 0101010101010 December 26, 2020
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