an item necessary for obtaining a high level within the BattleField franchise
Jeff: check out that guys level
Paul: i wonder if he's emptied his shit bucket
by yous a bitch nigga November 23, 2013
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When a girl menstruates in the pool, lake or any body of water.
Dude #1 " What the fuck is that red shit in the Pool?"
Dude#2 " Oh some chick is on the rag."
Dude#1 " Get her the fuck out! That Chum Bucket might attract a Shark!"
by will bitten July 24, 2017
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Used to describe a person (or subculture) that does everything in it's power to destroy the ambitions of those among them who wish to improve themselves.

It comes from the story of catching crabs in a bucket. When you catch a crab and place him in a bucket, the first thing he'll try to do is escape. Now, if you put two crabs in a bucket (hence the plural form of 'Crabs in a Bucket') and place them in there together, as soon as one tries to climb up out of the bucket the other will grab the escaping crab by the legs and try to escape itself, to which the process gets repeated to the point where NO crabs end up escaping.
Carl: "Isn't it a shame honey? How Johnny and Bobby are always constantly jabbing at (and insulting) eachother whenever they approach a group of girls, trying to make themselves look better than the other?"

Linda: "Exactly, they're like a bunch 'crabs in a bucket', they both end up as losers.
by Skaterrazz August 3, 2008
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cheap car, low budget car or an older car that is beat up.
When im not rollin around in my "insert nice car here" Im staying low key in my under bucket.
by Beezy via DB December 12, 2013
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A ubiquitous and formulaic type of popular American music, characterized by the usage of a combination of previously popular sylistic elements. Punk- or grunge/metal-inspired guitars and rhythms are combined with highly melodic harmonized vocals. A spoken-word rap is frequently used as the "middle eight" of a Bucket Rock composition. The rap is preferably performed by a very famous collaborator to lend credibility to the track. Next, either a musical bridge is played or a closing verse ends the song. Due to its simplistic content and predictability, this musical form is considered to be mediocre at best and irrelevant at worst.

Called 'Bucket Rock' because if all mainstream American rock songs released since about 2000 were placed in a bucket and one was selected at random, it would sound precisely like all the others.
What a waste of $40, we went to see my cousin's band play at the House of Blues last night, but it was total bucket rock.
by SFalken December 23, 2011
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A term used for the welding equivalent of tire biters.
Usually young scantily clad women who post on social media platforms for attention.
"did you see her latest post?"
"she's such a stub bucket, I wouldn't even tie in with someone else's rod."

“Yo Kyle, we just hired that girl I saw on that Instagram welding page! I’mma show her what full penetration is like!”
"Easy bro, you’ll contaminate your rod, she’s a total stub bucket. No amount of Monsters or drywall will wash that away"
by Stubbucket July 18, 2019
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A gamer's tool used to empty feces without going to the bathroom subsequently losing time to play more video games.
Damn, I played Halo so hard that My shit bucket overflowed.
by s0larpower August 20, 2014
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