You say this when you want to annoy the fuck out of someone (repetitively).
When you don't care what someone is saying.
Or when you are trolling a chatroom that has a topic!

Created by some randomer called allowthewolf
Example 1 :

Person 1: Hi
Person 2 : Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 1: WTF?
Person 2: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 1: Umm ok
Person 2 : Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 1 : STOP IT!!
Person 2: Gangaland dooda thats what she said

Example 2:

Person 1: So i just go a new bike today, with blue handle bars and it cost soo much ........
Person 2 : Gangaland dooda thats what she said

Example 3:
*In a Chatroom*
Person 1: Yh I think chocolate ice cream is good
Person 2: Yh but i prefer rocky road
Troll: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 3 : I like strawberry
Troll: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 1: Yh but its too sweet
Troll: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 2 : WTF IS THAT!!
Person 1: That does not even make sense
Troll: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
by amiimii August 21, 2011
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The witty and usually more accurate spoof of the original "that's what she said" jokes.
Don't touch me!
That's what she really said!

I was just faking!
That's what she really said!

Is that it?
That's what she really said!
by cali spain January 2, 2011
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A response to a phase that can be interpreted as sexual innuendo said by either the male or female in a sexual relationship.
Girl 1: Wow, there smaller than I expected!
Girl 2: That's what he or she said!
by Provaporizer April 9, 2009
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Boy 1: That's what she said
Boy 1: Bro
by !!!!!@ December 4, 2018
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Me: are you coming with me.
friend: thats what she said.
Me: Nice.
by vfkjshvjkdfvjkdf September 30, 2020
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A saying that dirty people made up to say in normal situations to act as a not-so-normal situation.

You're probably confused. Just look at the examples :)
birthday kid: i'll blow all of them at once!
invited friend: that's what she said

School Teacher: Stop talking and get back to work, boys
student: that's what she said

Struggling math student: it's so hard T^T
top of the class student: that's what she said
by TwinkleBean March 31, 2018
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