Savanna is a amazing friend and someone who saved me savanna is a kind and beautiful person:)
by Mystery cool person July 9, 2021
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A very nice woman that can cook food very well. She also has the best personality.
Hey, did you see Mrs. Powell cook food for Eli last night?
by steelsss December 6, 2020
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The biggest forehead known to man. It's an urban legend that the original planes were landed on it. America has declared war on Sam Powel as the oil levels are through the roof.
I reckon I could land a minicomputer on Sam Powel.
by Yetteus May 25, 2022
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a stoner who spills food recently
James is such a powell. He spilt yogurt all over his shirt after hitting the bong
by darkdangerduck October 21, 2022
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When your teacher does absolutely nothing, and let's you spend your period doing whatever the fuck you want
Yo I'm so glad she pulled a Powell today.
by ASSWRECKERxxx February 19, 2016
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A Powell is a person who pretends to be righteous but uses his power to bulldoze over innocent victims. He relishes in hearing the helpless beg for mercy.
Did you hear about the judge who denied that rape victim a restraining order? He is SUCH a Powell!
by mamabear911 March 25, 2022
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A Powell is a person who pretends to be virtuous while using his position of power to crush the lives of innocent people. Worse than the snotty 'Karen', a Powell operates with premeditation and malice. He often suffers from delusions of grandeur and 'gets off' on making those weaker than himself beg for mercy.

Can be used as a verb: "OMG, he totally powelled her!"
Did you hear about the judge who shamed that rape victim in court? He is such a Powell!
by mamabear911 April 8, 2022
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