A band so strong in their field show and marching that they can't be touched. Graceful in victory and in defeat. A band that even when teased and trash talked keeps their heads held high. The band all small schools aspire to be.
Student A: "Do you know who won at Dome?"
Student B: "It had to be the Medina marching band. Did you see their show? Their music was amazing!"
by Life_on_pointe_shoes June 17, 2015
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A group of musicians at DHS who have pride. the drumline is beast!! if only they could march well!!! thats what happens when thay are part of druglaney. o ya the indoor drumline is decent
hey bob how is Dulaney Marching Band
by Pit boy April 9, 2010
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Also known as MBWS. The feeling of being lost and alone after the marching band season has ended. You now have free weekends, but what will you do? Didn't you have a marching band competition? What will you do?
Yeah, last year my Marching Band Withdrawl Syndrome was really bad.
by MBforever November 3, 2009
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A severe case in which a band member feels the insatiable need to spend every possible hour with other band members well after marching season is over; a withdrawal symptom of long hours of band camp and after school practice.
Random passerby: Why's there a giant mob of kids in black overalls marching down the shopping center?
An intellectual: They're suffering from post-marching band depression.
by Golgi apparatus November 11, 2017
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My life.

It has the best people you could ever imagine. We're just one huge family. With incest.

You'll never find a better group of people. They're nice, funny, mature yet very immature, very perverted, and don't forget just absolute perfection.
When I say perfect I don't mean, like.. Perfect human beings. I mean perfect in like.. I dunno. They're the perfect bunch of weirdos. I can't even explain it. I love them.

We have drama and fights just like any other family. Except we're not forced to deal with each other. Its a choice. And a damn easy one, at that. The color guard is full of some what annoying (especially that dirty blonde one with the green eyes and glasses) but wonderful and gorgeous girls. They work their tails off but get barely any appreciation. They don't complain much though. Sure, half the time they hate the entire band including the rest of the guard but it just wouldn't be the same without them.

The band hangs out in the band room and hate when they have to leave. Some of them just sit there for a few hours watching the band guys play .:.Nerd Cards.:. until practice. They're all dreading the end of the season because they'll be losing some great seniors. I can't even begin to describe how much I'll miss band when November comes.

Just in case any of the band ends up reading this..


I love you guys.♥
Band Director: "Guys, I have something awesome to tell you."

Random band/guard member: "You finally got a boyfriend?"

Drum Major: *door burst open and the Putnam Clipper Marching Band runs in* "Fitch, we're here for Jamal! Hand him over and nobody gets hurt."
by SexyBandBAMF October 20, 2013
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