The harlem dick slap is used when your bitch doesnt want to continue in your sexual activites and you remove your penis from her vagina and slap her across the face with your dick coverd in the womans vaginal liquid.
Matt Nay and Peter Boardman Harlem Dick Slapped Brandi so hard last night I herd she was bleeding from the face.
by Tyler Robertson October 15, 2005
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When you are in the middle of getting dome from a bitch, and you squat and let her dribble your balls. Put her through the legs which improves ball handling. Then when you cum in her mouth yell swoosh!!!!
The Harlem Dome Squatter Yo I went to the city the other day, and this bitch wanted to be a Harlem Dome Squatter, and damn she had excellent ball handling, but after i swooshed she made me laid up!!!!
by James Thomas Bra December 10, 2009
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Prop. N.- a notorious NY 'drug mafia' established in 1972 by Walker T. Rice. The 'DHS' supplied thousands of elderly New York residents with stolen prescription pills. Unfortunately, many of the gang members own grandparents suffered the physical after-effects of this malicious black market fraud...many of them overdosing and dying in the arms of the very grandchildren who supplied them with the pills.

The pills supplied to the elderly men and women included but were not limited to Zoranthex, Matarol, Xenubalence, and the sleeping pill Tera-X.

In 1983, Walker T. Rice was sentenced to 80 years in prison after his great-grandmother OD'd on Matarol.
"Sheila, we are concerned about your grandma."

"Why, mom?"

"When she came to visit last weekend, did she ask you to give her the white pills in the bathroom cabinet?"

"Yes, mom."

"Damnit, Sheila! What are you, a member of 'Dem Harlem Saints!?"
by Dr. Josephus February 12, 2009
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When 5 to 10 completely nude males gather around a female (preferably nude), run around her in a circle while ejaculating all over her, and whistle the Harlem Globe Trotter theme song. and my friends ran around your grandmother and gave her the old Harlem Globe Jerker.
by Ricky George December 5, 2007
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A Harlem Hoe(s) are girls who sleep with guys while dating other guys.. and they are so skanky that they have their boobs out and thier asses hanging out, all day everyday. They will try to get with anyone and everyone. So hid your boyfriend.. They put up number signs like 1,2,3,4,1326, in picture and post them to Facebook to show everyone how many guys they have slept with. The girls ages range from 13-15.
-Hey, did you see Katelynn today?
-Yea, who hasnt?
-Well.. I heard she broke Madison's record.
-Yup.. 4 guys in 2 day!
-Wow.. I wonder who will beat it next.
-I bet you instead od Harlem Hoe(s), is going to be Hononegah Whores..
-You will win.
by Some1No1Knows May 28, 2012
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When a girl slaps you in the face with her boobs to the Harlem Shake song.
Hey anonymous stripper, I'll take one Harlem Milk Shake please.
by Your name is already... April 4, 2013
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(V.) when you masturbate backhand while reaching around from under your leg.
I tried the Harlem Globe Trotter, and I blew the biggest load of my life! Wow! I should tell my parents and friends all about it!
by Obstindgemuseladen June 14, 2015
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