total nonsense. weird. nothing important at all.
get out of here with all of that flim flam today!
by Keisha con migo July 10, 2020
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when someone says they are going to do something and don’t.
ty:”party this weekend!”
becky:”cool i’m gonna come”

*night of the party becky doesn’t show up*
ty:”man becky flam”
by bwigg February 23, 2019
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When something or someone is lame as fuck. Really lame.
Dude 1: “Man that bitch is flam as fuck she never even showed up”
Dude 2: “maybe you shouldn’t have begged her for her “sweeet taters” on the phone”
by Chinese vape January 13, 2023
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A Charleston slang of saying that’s “fake” or “shady
You been flam asf yesterday
by November 4, 2020
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"I had to stop dating Sarah, because she is always Flam"
by June 18, 2021
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Flam is used to describe a person who has a large amount of likes on a photo and looks perfect but in real life is very ugly. This is relating to a flamingo which is thought to be a gorgeous animal in real life is very ugly.
Person A: She is just a flam
Person B: Agreed
by Superdiction March 13, 2016
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At first I thought he was hitting on me but it turns out he's flam.
by flammie June 14, 2022
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