The Spanish casserole was invented during the last half of the Spanish civil war, on the SS Cantabria when 2 soldiers from San Sebastián, Miguel De Polo & Serio Reyes found themselves in a spot of bother when a opposing ship caved them into the loading deck, trapped for 17 days they had to be resourceful, growing hungrier by the day but most worryingly, hornier by the day, unknowing Miguel was about to create the first Spanish casserole as he delved deep into Sergio Reyes, he (Sergio) released a huge geyser of faecal matter a bodily fluids resulting in the very first Spanish casserole to ever be conceived.
Combination, Jab, SLIP, uppercut, backhand, roll,

This is you bouncing, All wasted movement

the real meaning of the spanish casserole
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Substitute for "great", "cool," or "pog"
Me: I hope you have a casserole day!
Person: Thanks! Your shirt is casserole!
by YouAreSoCasserole January 21, 2021
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A beautiful, funny, kind, smart girl who loves to joke around with her friends. Casserole can be quiet at first, but when you meet her she will open up to you. Sometimes Casserole can be a pain when playing video games, but shes awesome. She loves art, has beautiful dark brown hair, and thin fingers lol. Everybody loves her.
You: Aye Casserole wanna go to the park?
by Hehehek March 10, 2021
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The area on a person between the pubic bone and the tip of the tail bone. A multi-layered dish that is just made for eating.
Girl, I'm gonna eat that casserole all night tonight!
by LostWorm October 4, 2021
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The only substance Streamer NeoHere consumes and knows how to prepare. Any other dish prepared by Mr.Here would turn to mush and slop.
The streamer NeoHere only eats casseroles, it's very unhealthy and he should really try some other foods.
by NeoWho March 12, 2022
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when you mix a bunch of drugs together and ingest them into your body all at once causing a serious trip or leading to user's death in the process.
When you mix a bunch of pills and and ingest them ALL in your body at the same time like a casserole which you mix a bunch of food at the same time to make something good or bad in the process leading in sick trip or death
by DESAMSTER101 September 22, 2017
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A half pineapple hollowed out and filled with a mixture of equal parts bourbon, apple sauce and almond praline. Most often served with a Marlboro Red and a glass of cheap vino. This dish was a favourite of David Beckham in his off season.
"I would tame a casserole right now but I have no ciggies"
"Who's got pineapple for a casserole?"
"There's never too much bourbon in a casserole!"
by cerebropalsy July 21, 2015
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