A woman who lives by the cock and shall die by the cock
My favorite girlfriend is such a cock cannibal, thats why she's my favorite!
by KanadianPaladin September 18, 2022
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The act of cumming in your partners vaginal or anal cavity and then, without flinching, sucking out your load and swallowing it.
I was bent over, watching my man cum inside of me and before I knew it, he was eating a cannibal creampie.
by UploadDownloadUnload April 28, 2015
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Sickest death metal band in existence, horny and gory and full of fun. Their singer George Fisher is a sexy beast with a neck twice the size of his head
Have you heard of cannibal corpse?
No, are they good?
Hell yeah brother
by AsthmaticChicken April 30, 2022
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Someone who is paid for sexual services and ends up trying to eat their client.
Sasha Lenea, Harris, Fadlon, is a cannibal hooker because she bit the tongue of her client, that was paying her for sex.
by leblac1234 November 27, 2018
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led by zero-talent frontman george 'corpsegrinder' fisher, who growls indecipherable tidbits of ignorance to the mindless audience. fisher is one of the pioneers of the 'windmill' style of head-banging. he took it from pete townshend of the who's windmill style of guitar strumming. the talent went down 'exponentially' when fisher did his headbanging. each time he moves his head up and down in that infamous quick fashion, it kills six of his worthless w.o.w. brain cells. he started iut with 167. he know has -2345676543. yes, that is negative. cannibal corpse also features pat o'brien and rob barret on guitar (that god-awful low-pitched rumble), alex webster on bass (dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun!), and paul mazurkiewicz on drums (double bass drumming only). they are members of the record label 'metal blade', which is a long-time stronghold for shitty "death-metal" bands.
alex needs to learn how to use the word "exponentially", and all of it's roots and outcroppings. cannibal corpse sucks, but they are funny to watch live, especially when you are stoned (which alex must also learn how to do/get). and boy, that corpsegrinder sure is funny when he goes on his ultra-ignorant rants regarding world of warcraft and growling (the proper way to growl and yell is 'from the diaphragm").
by liberalwizardtyler June 17, 2008
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fag ass bitch who thinks hes a rapper but in all reality he sounds like a severely retarded child being tortured. he also thinks hes soo good that he actually has to go around giving people his cd's for free begging them to listen to him... thats really how bad he sucks.
"did you hear what happend to patchez the cannibals car?" "yeah he got his windows smashed cuz he thought he was tough shit"
by # 1 asshole June 30, 2009
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Oh look there is a so many people eating themselves, auto-cannibalism is not normal to see.
by Numelgon October 6, 2016
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