Refers to someone who clearly knows how to liven up a bedroom, since body-shaming is so last year. You can't choose your body, but you can always choose how you use it. Plus, it's gender-neutral. The counterpart to this is "dead bed energy".
Erica: "Brad is so sweet. He just called out his friends for making homophobic jokes."

Janet: "Whoa, you gotta get on that. That is some frisky bed energy."
by TulipKitten November 1, 2021
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A hotel you book when you are on a budget or only need a hotel to get sleep and nothing else.
Person 1: I am getting too tired to drive anymore tonight.
Person 2: Check and see if there is a Bed Bug Express on one of these exits.
by Pointman411 February 27, 2023
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When your working with clowns and one guy does something wrong you would say “ shit the bed
Shit the bed I’m never touching a Radiator again!
by Night-crew December 15, 2021
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When someone fucks up
When billy busted a but in his girlfriends pussy he proclaimed "I shit the bed"
by Spike_the_pike October 13, 2017
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