When you hit someone so hard they shit themselves
I'm an about to give you a dookie snap
by Aysten October 1, 2019
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The process of sabotaging a photo for someone else by making funny faces in the background or any other way of ruining the photo.

First coined by a LBC presenter
"I happy snapped the Prime minister by making the v sign behind him"
by TomTurner March 16, 2007
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As in the Arctic Monkeys song, you are telling one that they need to drop their current lover because they are a walking red flag
"i wanna grab both your shoulders and say snap out of it"
by sarahdidntsmile April 25, 2023
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One that snapchats while shitting
Stacey is such a snap shitter
by GangbangGrandma August 6, 2017
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A rat snap is when you take a snap in a line with 3 of your best friends
Oh look at that group of rats taking a rat snap!
by ratking420 February 28, 2019
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A thread of snapchats of the ceiling with no words. That serve no purpose other than to send pictures
Another ceiling pic?? This is a pointless snap
by Coolestkidimawesome May 27, 2022
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A brand of tools bought by tools.
John did jack shit in High School and thought trades would be the easy way out. Now he has monthly payments on a useless Snap-on toolbox that costs more than a year of community college.
by Trytobe rational March 17, 2022
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