A way people from Putrajaya say: “Graveyard” because there’s a graveyard at Presint 20
Aishah: Husna tahu ke Putra kat mana?

Husna: Tak tahu, kat Presint 20 kot.


Aishah: Husna, do you know where Putra is?

Husna: I don’t know, he’s maybe at Presint 20
by Puffsie<3 November 30, 2022
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Why are 20% lgbtq+?
Hym "Ok. Easy. It's 20% because the way they are in Lgbtq+ is in abstraction. So, the number is inflated by non-binary and the more abstract versions of lgbtq. So, if you subtract all of the people who are lgbtq in abstraction, you probably have close to the same number it's always been. Or maybe they are BeInG bRaInWaShEd by the NOT reality monster worshipping people. The weird, gross reality monster worshipping breeding cult people. So there. That's why it's 20% now."
by Hym Iam August 9, 2023
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Metricool 20 called himself a youtuber and third class musician . He also a student right now . He makes third class comedy video .
Real name of Metricool 20 is Aviroop ghosh
by wreackingthunderhater November 24, 2021
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