When you catch a stiff, slow moving object in the corner of your eye and immediately you are frightened.
I was walking back to the house at night when I saw something move and had a Zombie Scare. Turns out it was just a tarp in the breeze.
by funnie03 February 9, 2012
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When a person is really lazy but really fast at the same time.
"Yo you're such a zombie rabbit"
Zombie Rabbit
by OMGitzRabbitz November 20, 2015
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When you are at work in the morning at the coffee machine, with a cue of co-workers behind you that are equally as sleepy as you, waiting to get their coffee.
Look at all those coffee zombies standing behind me.
by Kokosnoot January 20, 2018
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when you have some really bad munchies
I just smoked a fat blunt. the munchies hit so hard I'm feeling some mad zombie hunger
by sk8ermex November 18, 2016
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a popular tower defense game from 2009 that EA bought and ruined, for one the first game is free and is also full of ads now on mobile and then theres pvz 2 and pvz 3, pvz 2 was an alright game but it was filled with microtransactions but from what pvz 3 looks like pvz 2 looks fine, pvz 3 is a tower defense game just like the others but the art style sucks in most people opinions because it uses a mixture of 3d and 2d at the same time and also most likely going to have microtransactions and the peashooter oh god what did they do to him
person 1: "hey bro ever heard of Plants VS Zombies?"
person 2: "yeah, why?"
person 1:"dont get excited for PVZ 3 it looks garbage :)"
by OrdinaryJoe March 1, 2022
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Someone who is totally absorbed in the iPods, iPhones, or other hand held devices and walking about oblivious to the world.
I don't even try to guys who only look at their iPhones. They're palm zombies!
by eroticboy December 17, 2012
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Hard rockin hip- hoppin monster funk.
the high preist of the zombies wakes the dead through mesmirizing music. giving the zombie crutch to walk with.
by j lutz October 11, 2010
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