A woman on the one to ten scale of hotness that would rate a ten in any other other than California where her level of hotness only rates her a nine.
Dude 1: Hey, check out that girl, she's totally a ten.
Dude 2: Are you kidding me!?! She's a California nine! You aren't from around here are you?
by Nome de Guerre July 8, 2014
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A longing for California.

A depression from being away from it, or a longing to visit or live there.
Person a: why's Caroline crying?

Person b: she's California sundreaming again.
by Rainydear August 27, 2017
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A term used for a closer, deal maker, or problem solver. The term was used back in the 70's for a deal maker in the used car business.
Carmen tried to close the deal, but had to bring in the California Heavy Glen to ink the deal.
by closer14 January 6, 2011
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Right after having sex, the man puts his penis in the woman's ear or nose and ejaculates
by thirsty daddy April 25, 2018
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When one surprises another with their cut off testicles and hides them in ones possessions
Yeah I have Jessica the California surprise now I have a restraining order against me
by WindyAmericans March 14, 2021
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To go California on someone is to have a mental breakdown over something said that does not conform to Communist standards.

Symptoms include incoherent speech, illogical argument points, sudden bursts of emotions such as spontaneous crying, rage, or fits of hysteria; and a general sense of narcissistic pride in one's misinformation word vomit.
Speaker: "She doesn't want any cookies."
Non Cookie Eater: "Did you just call me she?"
Speaker: "Easy now, don't go California on me."
by Robert Frost (Pen Name) September 13, 2020
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