"cus its 1-8-7 on the undercover cop" refers to the California Penal code section 187, the section relating to murder.
DA: cus its 1-8-7 on the undercover cop, he's up for the death penalty.
by a10033e December 12, 2006
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One whom publicly pleasures themselves.
Lauren put her trench coat so people wouldnt know she was an undercover fidgetter at the bus stop
by The real Walter March 14, 2022
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One whom publicly pleasures themselves.
Lauren, with her trench coat, was an undercover fidgetter, whom pleased herself all night.
by The real Walter March 14, 2022
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Similar to frenemies, but more devious & calculating. People who present themselves a particular way publicly, but are really screwing with others behind the scenes. Sometimes they even attempt to be life ruiners. If you do not know what is going on behind the scenes, you would never realize they mean you no good.
I met this incredible man, and was talking to a couple of friends about how special he was to me. Next thing I know, he is suddenly acting like I hurt him. I found out my "friends" were lying to him about what I actually said. What a couple of undercover bitches.
by Hallow Weener January 24, 2023
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The act of humping your spouse in the push-up position under bedsheets.
Susy and I were doing undercover push-ups last night.
by .OG. March 19, 2016
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Bring me thereplz
I failed my final and now I need some undercover eggplant
by Poopoohole69 December 15, 2017
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Someone that sweeps you off your feet but only to use you and suck you dry like a black widow then move on to the next victim. Will keep you around until you serve no purpose. Usually about 4 months
Girl if you want to keep your fridge and bank account full stay away from that man he’s an undercover Greg
by Greggie85 July 23, 2021
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