A term for describing something so tragic, not right, and straight up wrong. When you need a term stronger than the previously mentioned words to describe something that is horrendous, crazy, or just plain stupid.
DAMN!!! She has 6 kids by 6 baby daddies, and she's pregnant with her 7th by daddy number 7!!! That's Tragic City!!!

Icy Mike was talking shit, and got beat up real bad like Hopkins did Tarver!!! That's the 3rd time this month!!! That's Tragic City!!!
by DarkMessiah1974 April 7, 2011
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When someone who is really attractive knows it.
Paul: Ginger was acting like such a bitch last night!
Jim: Yeah, she's tragically attractive and thinks she can do whatever she wants.
by Frank Darlucci March 23, 2011
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The knock off version of the body shaping phenomenon that re-shapes & smooths out the funkiest of figures - Body Magic.
"Theresa's bad bust-to-belly ratio looks even worse with that tight orange t-shirt on. She must be rockin' a Body Tragic"
by chickdamebroad May 5, 2010
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A successful mixed race woman who dies childless and lonely due to the confusion placed on her head by american society. see also: halle berry.
If halle berry doesn't hurry up and settle down with a kid, she'll end up like all those other tragic hollywood mulattoes who leave no legacy. you wouldn't catch zeta jones not leaving a legacy.
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A Tragic Flaw applies mostly in a Greek Tragedy. You f*cking idiots. Aristotelean literature. HAMARTIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Greg Grieves October 16, 2003
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A gothic girl who isn't to bright and shallow as well. {donut} {Tragic} {Bimbo} {Shallow} {Gothic}
That girl is really a tragic donut
by Dave Tek October 30, 2007
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-A straight male, who has had little success in his persual of women, hasn't been in any type of relationship with one, and has lost hopes of having one. Therefore, leading him to seek companionship with other men, despite being attracted to women.
Dan isn't really gay, He is just a tragic gay cause he can't get a girl.
by Posey Lint January 30, 2009
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