IN BRIEF: An act of bragging or being selfishly concerned about your own accomplishments. Stats is also short for statistics.
Don't pat your stats. It's not all about yourself. But the real world obviously shows different.
by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant January 31, 2010
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A person who plays a football video game and purposely plays the game to make himself look good. This is usually done in either the franchise or season mode. It could also be used in a game mode in which you create your own player such as superstar mode in madden or campus legend in NCAA. A stat Nazi will do something such as throw a 75 yard touchdown pass with 20 seconds left in the 4th quarter when they are winning by 35 points just to get their stats up. Also known as padding stats.
Person 1: Dude! My running back got 530 yards last game! Im gonna win the heisman for sure?

Person 2: Wow, your such a Stat Nazi
by I Chink Im Cool November 29, 2011
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An individual who provides false or otherwise unreliable information that is taken as the truth by their associates. This false information is then proven to be in fact false by one of the associates in a socially embarrasing situation that will cause angst towards the supplier of that erroneous information.
Chris told me that Liam Neeson was in the movie Willow, I took this information as fact and when discussing the topic later I was made to look like a fool. He is truly a False Stat Guy.
by William LeMon April 27, 2007
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Is a basketball term for the number of Dunks recorded by a player in a game and or season. Is not an official statistic by most leagues but is recorded by individual teams for players.
Amare Stoudemire is number 1 in the NBA on the Dunkadelic Stat-Meter averaging 3.1 dunks per game. Shaquille O'Neal is leading the NBA in the Dunkadelic Stat-Meter catagory with over 200 dunks for the season.
by Derrick E. Vaughan March 27, 2005
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what you tell someone when you arguing with them and they give you a wrong answer
dave: hey man, I think suzie is hot!
tom: no way! she is freakin' ugly!
dave: you better check your stats dude!
by juliokc August 6, 2008
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Jack of All Stats is a Standard Character Type in videogames.

The Jack of All Stats is defined by its lack of weaknesses or strengths. It's greatest strength is a lack of weaknesses, but it's greatest weakness is a lack of strengths.

In terms of game balancing, a Jack of All Stats character is pretty good at everything, but it is sub-par when compared to characters that specialize.

If the Jack of All Stats is next to worthless compared to specialized characters, it is instead known as a Master of None.
If the Jack of All Stats is much more powerful than the specialized characters, it is instead known as a Master of All.
"What build you running?"
"I like being good at everything. I'll run a Jack of All Stats."
"Yeah, sure. Have fun being master of none!"
by suntan50 December 20, 2015
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A shocking, revealing or insightful statistic about something that you show off to others.
stat porn statistics make an important point clear.
by mkmk October 26, 2007
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