A course with multiple stations, where each station allows for masturbation in different positions. As masturbating in the same position can limit capabilities during sex with a partner, a course improves skills of jerking off at various angles.

Named by Brian Sterling, but conceptualized by Adam Carolla. During Adam’s Podcast in Chicago on Feb 3, 2013, he discussed setting up a course for his son, to ensure he did not end up addicted to the same position every time.
I setup an ob-testicle course in my bedroom. I start at the edge of the bed one day, then move the shower the next day, then over the toilet the third day.
by Sonoma Sterling March 25, 2014
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DEX oB is a competitive gamer as well as a team Manager of Team Obey(A Professional Console Gaming Team) which is currently competing in the MLG Professional Circuit.

DEX Gaming Bio:
Twitter: @dexbadgett
★Former Pro CS 1.6 Player/Manager
→Past Teams: Mug N Mouse, Green Berets, Enervate
★Former Action Half Life Player
→Team: Invincible Elements #3 Overall Worldwide
★Former Gamesurge mIRC Support Admin
DEX oB is a competitive gamer as well as a team Manager of Team Obey(A Professional Console Gaming Team) which is currently competing in the MLG Professional Circuit

You can contact DEX:
Twitter: @dexbadgett
Youtube: dexbadgett
AIM: DexSC86
by DEXoB April 17, 2011
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A defensive or sometimes offensive method of conversation occurring when one runs out of arguments or lacks a logical point they bring up the past.
Guy 1: Hey what is your stance of pre-washing dishes?
Guy 2: How can you ask about pre-washing dishes when you get barely buzzed every night?
Guy 1: Don't use the Obes Rule on me!
by BeLoveGiveLove June 29, 2015
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(n.) someone who is obsessed with the Twilight saga; a combination between "Twilight" and "Obsess", insinuating that the person is obsessed with Twilight; (adj.) a word to express how attached a person is to their beloved Twilight saga.
(n.)"Look at all those twi-obs - I can't believe they're sleeping outside the movie theater for the Eclipse showing tomorrow night!"
(adj.)"You're going to bring a life-sized cardboard Edward Cullen in the theater with you? You're so twi-obs."
by Novelist Anonymous June 8, 2010
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Gabe, quit being such an OB!
by WhizMaster January 25, 2016
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short for 'oh bullshit'
comes from nearly saying 'oh bullshit' to an authoritive figure.
"Steven, you will get detention for drawing on the blackboard."
by Steven Chan June 15, 2008
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Short for Overweight Bastard(or Bitch). Pronounced like Obi. May be pluralized.
"Damn OB's are driving up the price of healthcare", or "That OB keeps staring at me while I'm eating and it's making me uncomfortable."
by Dammitall July 10, 2009
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