a ghetto women from the hood that enjoys to engulf large quantities of fried chicken and watermelon.
Mone't Taylor is definitely a hashtag the painter; all she likes to eat all day is watermelon and fried chicken.
by Your-favorite-blexican June 7, 2011
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People who overuse hashtags in everything they post.
Geez, I can't stand the hashtages in this thread. Just post something without hashtags for once.
by slodub March 3, 2020
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When someone expresses their distaste all over your social media, regarding a hashtag you have used which they disagree upon. Usually used by someone trying to show off their brainpower, except that they end up looking like a douchebag.
Example posted on instagram "#foodporn, #cloudporn, why is everything porn these days? Why not just #lifeporn and be done with it?? What happens when we get to #pornporn??" Why is my friend saying these things about my photo?

"Man, he's just expressing his hashtag rage".
by moth13 December 28, 2013
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The use of hashtags in real life situations. Signified by saying out loud the word "human hashtag" followed by a phrase that would in fact be a hashtag if used on a social networking sight. Often accompanied by the action of laying the pointer and middle fingers of one hand over the pointer and middle fingers of the other hand.
*upon seeing a friend whom you haven't seen in a while *

Dan: "hey Rick"

Rick: "hey Dan, human hashtag long-time-no-see"

Dan: "human hashtag for-real"
by Dbomb484 November 10, 2013
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One (often white teenage females) who enjoy creating page-long tags under posts on social media. These individuals also create new hashtags that only pertain to their life; therefore, these new tags have no use whatsoever.
Basic white bitch: #i #am #a #hashtagabuser #abuser #urbandictionary #ud #funny #cute #white #girl #starbucks #thisisagooddefinition #iwrotethis #basic etc....

Guy that has a life: What a hashtag abuser, your tag list took me 2 weeks to read through.
by raging douchebag August 4, 2014
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A person who uses too many hash tags in one sentence on a Social Media Platform, usually someone who cannot speak English very well.
Facebook Status: #omg #coffee #sogood #atStarbucks #lol #hashtag
Comment: What a hashtag abuser
by monkeyman41 August 3, 2014
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Usually for bitches who just want attention, but a hashtag abuser is someone who uses way to many hashtags than needed in their Twitter, instagram, tumblr, or Facebook
boy: "Ugh she is such a hashtag abuser."
girl: "And a bitch."
by Photography for life August 3, 2014
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