A religious belief that describes it as a bad place, with hot fires and demons and snakes ; pray or you will go to hell

Or it could be used to reject someone or something ; want my shirt - HELL NO

It could be used to describe something nice looking ; damn you look hell ass fine

A way to describe fire
damn you look hell ass fine
pray to god not to go to hell
by Gojou Satoru January 4, 2018
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“Bro I hope when I die I don’t go to hell

My manz, we already in hell”
by DaRealistShitYoullEverRead January 16, 2021
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Where we are dining tonight.

Ready your breakfasts and eat hearty; for tonight, WE DINE IN HELL!!
by Harrier March 16, 2007
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A place that doesn't exist and was probably created around Midevil times when the church was highly corrupt (even though it kinda still is) The reasoning behind this is...If God is truly all forgiving then no one should go to Hell because there would be no need for one. Also in Midevil times a LOT of new things were added to the Bible, such as homosexuality being a sin, and so on. So in short the new testement is crap and the only thing that made some amount of sence is in the old testement. Oh and also JESUS WAS NOT ENGLISH!!! He was Jewish not christian the christian faith came AFTER his death and his last name wasn't Christ that was a title given to him after his death (Saint Christ) and also contrary to popular belief he probably didn't have long hair because at that time people with long hair were seen as homosexual. Sorry that I kinda made this definition very long and went off topic a bit...
There is no such thing as a "Hell"
by GenericPerson August 16, 2007
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