1. The famous carbonated drink that only 5 people know the exact base to.

2. Any drink in which hot sauce has been put in as a prank. Generally, hot sauces of 600,000 Scoville or greater are used to minimize the amount needed, and thus minimize the chance of detection before it's too late.
A: He really embarrassed you with that picture of you passed out naked.

B: It's ok, I think I got him back.

A: How?

B: I gave him a "Dr. Pepper".

A: Made with what?

B: His favorite, Rum and Coke, with a bit of concentrated Capsaiccin solution added in.

A: You realize that might kill him?

B: Nah, I only put a tiny droplet of the solution in, but he definitely won't be having fun tonight.
by OlegTheGreat December 16, 2010
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seb and lindsey of the Slutz International™️
georgia: omg let’s fark lindsey
lindsey: no sorry me and seb are doing dr pepper kink body shots i can’t right now
by not gay person™️ May 9, 2021
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seb and lindsey of Slutz International™️
georgia: “omg lindsey let’s fark
lindsey: “i can’t me and seb are doing dr pepper kink body shots later”
by not gay person™️ May 9, 2021
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The past participle of Dr. Peppering. The act of taking a girl's virginity. Derived from the cherry flavour and the fact it is a soda pop. Pop, cherry, get it?

See Fizzy Cherry
Ah bro I totally Dr. Peppered Lisa last night
She was a virgin?!
Hell yeah Broheim
dude I'm pretty sure she was Fizzy cherried last weekend.
no dude, unless she had a tomatoe sauce sachet hidden in her pleasure cave.
boom bitch Yeah!!
by Dr. Peppered February 26, 2017
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For when you have a mixture of lots of alcohol and a little bit of Dr. Pepper and your mom asks what it is.
Mom: Hey what are you drinking?

Me: 100% Dr. Pepper.
by Shalobarnan04 December 10, 2018
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a disorder associated with being obsessed with dr. pepper. Symptoms include : Drinking it all the time and always talking about it
“I have dr pepper disorder”
“Whats that?”
“Being obsessed with dr pepper. I cant live without it”

“It is the best drink ever”
“I know”
by kaithiskaithat October 25, 2023
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Charles Alderton is the mam who made Dr pepper, our favorite drink that I think is better than coke. Charles Alderton created Dr pepper in 1885
The man who made Dr pepper is a cool dude because he made Dr pepper
by Pinetreefinn November 3, 2023
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