Liam is a shitter and a fortnite kid. but can be a very hard worker hes cool sometimes but can be annoying at other, his a cool person if you see a wild liam evacuate the area.
by stfx November 5, 2020
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A strange yet likable person he is very miss understood most of the time but has a good heart even if his morals are more or less confusing. He might be quite sometimes and is disliked by many but those who know him truly know that he is a good guy
Person 1: bro Liam’s is weird
Person 2: he’s actually a good guy if you get to know him
by 10E January 27, 2023
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Liam is a person that is typically gay and has no friends. He only supports the LGBTQ+ because thats all he oh mb THEY care about. He likes to have his guitar shoved up his ass so that he can create monkeypox. Finally, Liam is a fucking GOD at overwatch 2 because that game is zesty.
Liam LOVES TO GET Liamed by his guitar.
by Swervylmao November 13, 2022
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A boy that will ask you out and not talk to you at all afterwards. He will also not get you a birthday present.
Ugg, i think my boyfriend ghosted me, he must be a Liam!
by Devito, Danny April 8, 2020
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Liam is a very loving and nice person who will always comfort you when your sad and he always has your back and is probably gonna be one of the most amazing and loyal person/bf you will ever meet. When you start to have a crush on Liam you can't get them off your mind
who is liam?
how do you not know Liam i LOVE liam
by samanthadv June 21, 2022
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Liam has a Ginimimorfus Shlongadong that makes harry creme
Harry cremeed when Liam whipped out his Shlongadong
by Weenie Lova 34 August 9, 2022
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One who is shit at love, friendship and sex.
Liam, you look like a fucking sissy, what am I supposed to be jealous about? Your hairline? Your crippling mental health? The fact you suck ass at love and friendship? Dude bye 💀✋
by HorrorFoxLord September 29, 2021
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