Guy 1: Noice icon mate
Guy 2: Thanks! Your a noice person
by Cob4lt June 3, 2016
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A word to define a better form of niceness. What you say when you can only think of one word to describe the true niceness of a thing.
That's a Noice doggo.
by Thisisnotameme March 23, 2021
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a word you say with something is cool or you have nothing else to say
Me: Wyd
Friend: watching tv
Me: Noice
by queen mikenna March 26, 2016
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Something you say when something is cool or you have nothing else to say
Me: Wyd
Friend: watching tv

Me: Noice
by queen mikenna March 26, 2016
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A word used by some random dumbass people to show there nonsense towards not spelling simply "NICE"

Who the fuck spells5 letters instead of 4
by and nigh May 9, 2023
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Noice (Noy-ss) is when someone thinks something is better than nice but worst than best.
That juice is noice. You're friend is nice.
by Antonio M. December 13, 2018
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Word Used By Michael Rosen, he became a meme.
*slurp*, *click* nnnoice
by guest939393 August 14, 2022
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