ite m8 is a text acronym for ‘are you alright m8’
Tomas the idiot argentine looked confused, so Charlie sent him a text saying ‘ite m8?’
by CK96 November 16, 2017
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Some autistic Guy who can't spell ZZ Rot.
I will buy a ZZ Wot. Then some sick guy parodies it and says: ZZ U Wot M8?
by SpongeBOZZ February 24, 2017
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the good 'ol murican way of sayin' mate!
by Mermer the dumbass September 14, 2017
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A male/female who is one's buddy, companion, or lover over the internet in chat
Great b8 m8, I r8 8/8

M8, stop hogging the ball
by John Cena, do do do do dooo October 19, 2017
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If m8 stands at the end of the sentence and does not make much sense, in this case, m8 is pronounceв as might (which is by the way is another way to say mate). This word should mean maybe, but in fact it just does not mean anything
im gonna play computer m8
the weather is good m8
by xiao. May 7, 2018
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Basically mate, just written in acronyms.
Person 1: Hey m8, wassup?
Person 2: nm (nothing much)
by the unicorn gamer October 31, 2017
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