she's a good girl who has a naughty side. she loves to do creative things. she has a small group of close friends who she loves. she is a great girlfriend and very lovable.

(she's also a part of the ltbtqia+ community)
person 1: damn u see gabs today
person 2: ye she looks like fire 🔥 😍
by noodlegorl9898 March 26, 2022
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Guy 1: "that girl over there cringe ngl"
Guy 2: "yeah that's gab"
by Bronzulis July 22, 2021
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Usually named Gabrielle, but hates it when english people say it wrong, fake blonde, blue eyes, is fcking dumb and can't say "R" sounds
wtf you're acting like Gab rn
by Xcupcake_2003 November 22, 2021
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Look at the way they gab with one another; it's disgusting!
by MrBlackIsCool2019 May 22, 2019
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An Italian guy who wears glasses, is short and ABSOLUTELY LOVEEEES K-pop? He also frequently harasses Oli who is another guy who should wear glasses but never does and he's a child lover.
Guy 1: hey is that gab?
Guy 2: is he short? also does he wear glasses and look like he listens to k-pop?
Guy 1: yeah he does
Guy 2: That's gab then

Gab: 2 guys are looking at me i wish they came over here and came in me

Oli: wtf man i just want some kids gab
Gab: yeah you would wouldn't you... freak
by testicle donator June 22, 2021
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a GAB is when a girl is a goofy ass bitch
look at her” “she a gab
by userxzly October 3, 2022
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A kind soul with a big heart, does her best not to give in, she may be stupid and acts goofy all the time but she's smarter than it seems and is ready to take on anyone who hurts the people she holds close. She's insecure and shy, even has resting b** face, but once you get to know her she is the nicest person you'll ever know, forgiving all the time, but she has her limits, she's quick and if needed could be manipulative. A fighter at heart. A goddess among queens
The goddess Gaby is getting the best D of her life
by Exontrixl November 18, 2020
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