Alludes to position of leadership over subpar class of people. Stems from the Latin phase King Cutty Shark, inventor and President of Urban Prowlers, an online crew of malcontent caucasian wiggers
Cutty Shark destroyed the lives of many a white internet textcee, from Defc0n, to Len Duggan, to the Joker
by MC Aloe Vera September 2, 2011
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An asian who will not disclose their asian ethnic background; usually afraid of embarrasment. They try to hide their asian-ness by hanging with white kids.
"So, what type of asian are you Jason?"

"Uh...I'm a cutty asian"


"I don't wanna talk about it."
by jason pirolo June 21, 2006
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to be a ukrainian idiot with no common sense. able to be manipulated easily.

(n) an idiot that carries a dissproportiante A. feels the need to point out things like only an idiot would do.
reacts violently to the snapping of fingers beside his head. its is said that this goes back to 1546 A.D. when the Badads were still in power in the ukraine. (see the rise of the dads) ukrainians like boyko will react hostile if faced with this action so it must be approached with caution, however it has been done on several occasions.

(v) to kick it boyko style means to act like a total fool.
And has gotten tons of pussy in Europe.
Man, wtf ronaldo, you are the cuttie monster.

Andrew, stop your not the cuttie monster I'am.

Damn, I cannot believe you know the cuttie monster.

by David Jorge November 14, 2007
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A local kid in your town who steals and commonly uses methamphetamine.
I almost got jumped by that cutty shark back there
by Jairo Ortiz March 31, 2005
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Far off the beaten path, out of the way, not near anything

Farther than cutty or cuts
Damn, this is the cutty ranks!

Where you taken me, the cutty ranks?
by Doobers August 24, 2006
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Any spot in the hood (anywhere really) thats far away, not easy to find & or can lead to getting u lost.
Yo B can u go pick up my homie Shawn from Bay Point? Man hell naw that motha fucka lives in the cutty bang.
by Brianb2981 June 6, 2007
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The act flossing while you drive a red convertible Chrysler Seabring while listening to Kenny Gand scrtching te sphincter muscle near the anus wth sandpaper
This past weekend, I was chillin like a damn villain when I got my cutty gussip on.
by top-notching June 5, 2009
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