Someone who takes an ungodly amount of time to understand something
or, occasionally used to describe someone who is incapable of comprehending anything.
"I tried to teach my stupid Aunt Helen how to use her smart phone, but she is such a slow cooker."

"The sow cooker driving behind me had their high beams on. I had to flickered my car lights about twenty times before the slow cooker realized why that they left their high beams on.
by Sue doe name July 12, 2022
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Person 1: "Stop messaging me, im tending to the slow cooker."
Person 2: "What?"
Person 1: "Jacking off"
by gazza222 November 7, 2020
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Ir is the when you fart under a weighted blanket and hold your spouse under. Like a Dutch oven but with a weighted blanket.
My wife was in bed after we had chili so I subjected her to the pressure cooker
by David Kolep March 1, 2021
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An uncut dick that precums under it's hood
I cannot wait any longer, I must eat this pressure cooker meat now!
by Kuntry84 May 12, 2020
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Best frying pan in the world. No need to use oil with it.
I made some scrambled eggs in my Dry Cooker
by joviravi January 17, 2022
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