Hot, Sexy and the best person in the hole wide world. Everyone loves him!
He's my Wille!
by FHEJWEGJPEWGWG February 13, 2017
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Hes a very tall nerd, with a penis shorter than his hair on his balls. A wille has more chromosome than a dog with down-syndrome.
Girl in bed: Why is your dick so short?

Him: Because i am a Wille
by Yourdaddy32 October 4, 2023
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A oompa loompa with anger issues that is a hazard to anyone around him. Spends most of his time playing League of Legends or Valorant whilst masturbating to gay furry porn.
Person 1: who the fuck is that?
by stefan löfven November 5, 2022
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Is a guy who lives in the shadows. He is always three steps forward in school, but nobody is accepting him as his own person.
Wille can't be put in a sentence
by SuckYourMomAndDad6969 December 6, 2018
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That finnish guy who plays too much hockey and never sleep
And here comes Wille Ääpinnanjiäkks!! Going through the defenders and scores!!!!!!!!!!
by SuckYourMomAndDad6969 March 15, 2019
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A true King's name in which only a King could possibly posses
Would you like to meet with Wille King at the palace?
by coorrrryytttt December 14, 2022
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This girl is the coolest person you’ll meet. It’s low-key but it gets hype.

She’s sweet and cares about others but also a complete savage if something doesn’t run her the right way. She’s hilarious when she talks sh*t.

She’s committed and loyal to those around her. You want to have a Wille-Ann in your life.

She’s loves to travel and the nice things in life. Bring on the Sugarfish she had a tough day at work.
Did you see Wille-Anne down the street- she brainy and hot.
by Hurdleturtle November 23, 2021
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