Messed up story on youtube, just look it up and listen for yourself.
I watched i just wanted to play monopoly and it was messed up.
by CreepyStuffFinder March 16, 2018
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exactly what it means. go directly and efficiently about your business, without attracting attention.
go directly, monopoly style, about your business without bullshitting anyone; do not pass go, and do not collect 200 $
by Sexydimma December 10, 2019
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Take a group of men, preferably around 11 including yourself, to any polish city. There, you shall start doing any sort of polka dance backwards around the most sexually arousing object you can find, inanimate or not, while jumping on your dick like a jackhammer. The person deciding what is or is not sexually arousing shall be decided through a tournament of monopoly while doing a handstand. Anyone who stops doing a handstand during a game is automatically disqualified and must be sent 10 kilometres in a direction of the winner's choosing. If this is not completed, everyone are allowed to paper-cut the failure into submission, and the proceed with the tournament.

When everyone's dicks have shrunken by at least 20 centimetres, the ritual is done and everyone is allowed to return to their normal duties. If someone doesn't have a 20 centimetre dick, then he does not deserve a place in this holy ritual.

This act is extremely frowned upon unless you smile to the fifth rat you meet in Poland while riding a ping-pong table down a hill.
- Honey...
- Yes?
- Matt asked me if I wanted to participate in Polish Reversed Jackhammer Upside-down Monopoly
- Sounds fun! It'll let you really connect with him and the others.
- I guess.
by XxXSjo_bOrReN87 February 19, 2019
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Food that is purchased at an establishment in which there is only one nearby food seller or all nearby food sellers are owned by the same organization. This is often seen at theme parks, ski resorts, and zoos. One can say that this establishment has a monopoly on food in that area and can/do charge ridiculous prices for their food.
I fucking hate monopoly food! I had to pay $16 for two sandwiches and a soda.
by el reverendo timo January 3, 2009
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A long ass sadistic game that only causes misery and pain to all who are forced to play. A literal friendship breaker that possibly was created by Satan.
Monopoly is like a old, wooden dildo. It's long, hard, and uncomfortable to use with friends.
by Vaaazhazzafa June 27, 2016
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Angelika: “On some monopoly type shit your fr fr playing games”
Malik: *laughs*
by Annegelickuh May 19, 2020
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Doing rude things that we probably shouldn’t doing in the eyes of our lord
Jade Leck and myself spent the night playing monopoly
by August 26, 2022
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