A stunning girl who has a long line of boys waiting. Whoever is lucky enough to call her mine, better treat her right or her many friends are coming to get him. Very popular and smart and has a incredible smile and laugh can melt any guy’s heart! Has stunning glowing golden hair. Any guy who has the gift of dating her will show her off to all his friends.
Chris: damn have u seen how gorgeous gabby is!

Ryan: Back off she’s mine!
by Dhms20*R._.H February 28, 2018
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Have you seen that one Gabby on the road? She’s taking up too much space! She almost ran over a kid!
by NoHoesHere April 27, 2018
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That one girl who talks a lot....she’s quite...you know Gabby. She mostly talks about guys and not messing up the nails she just did.
Who’s that girl that is going on and on about not messing up nails?

Oh that’s Gabby.

Oh she’s gabby.
by FLLFL November 14, 2017
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Where to begin... gabby is the fakest bitch you will ever meet periodttt and will get in your business if your spilling tea. Thinks she’s popular and thiccc ( bitch you thought) breaks her back, talks shit, don’t want her as a friend and is a fucking docking chicken.
Person 1: who is that fake bitch over there?
Person 2: that’s gabby she gets in your business so stay away from her.
Person 1: she thinks she cute but really she just a stuck up bitch
Person 2: you can say that twice
by Jesushentaichrist June 26, 2019
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Bobby It’s a bird it’s a train it’s a Moutain
Sally:bruh why you pointing at gabby
by Gabbyleegogurt March 6, 2020
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a loud horny bitch that will do anything to have sex. She talks way to much but stops it with pleasure.
Guy: why do you talk so much??
Gabby: Kiss that turns into blow job
by atl_fob_09 July 13, 2009
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