The physical reaction on someone's face, and in particular the involuntary contractions of the lips that occurs when an individual becomes extremely jealous or envious when hearing about the successes of others (family, friends, rivals, enemies) - usually this facial expession precedes a petty or otherwise disparaging comment. Often accompanied by the act of "Casting shade". See also - "Flounder Mode"
1. "Did you see Victor's face when Jimmy pulled up to the house in his brand new ride. Chrome was gleaming man. Yeah Vic got dat Flounder mouth real quick when he heard it was paid fo wit cash! "

2."Ohhh did you see last night !!?? Becky stay in Flounder Mode all night when she found out that she was actually the third round draft pick for Johnny. She was talking shit all night after he pulled the whole switcheroo right after they arrived at the party for a hotter chick. Dunno why she fighting so hard to swim upstream. She know she basic"
by Street poet December 28, 2019
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While you and your significant other are making love, and she/He proceedes to give you a glow job with his anaus directly above your chest giving you a perfect view for the "show". Then right before you orgasm your partner gloriously defecates all over your face and chest.
The other day daisy gave me an Alaskan flounder basket, and it was beautiful!
by ASK ME WHY June 13, 2017
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Absolutely inebriated, under the influence to the point of being as useful as a fish
John was absolutely floundered last night!
by Pastaaaa January 29, 2022
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To fool, bamboozle, prank, or to get Punk'd, like the TV show.
Damn nigga! You got floundered!
Josh took hours.e what he thought was a bitch until she pulled out her penis, then Joe popped out of the closet and yelled damn nigga! You got floundered!
by Black Joe January 17, 2017
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A sex act in which the male or female performs fellatio on their partner. With one partner kneeling, the other partner stands to one side of them, with their crotch facing their partner who is kneeling. The kneeling partner dips their head forward looking toward the ground, then in the direction of the standing partner, so that only half of their face (and one eye) is visible to their partner. From the perspective of the "blow(ee)", their partner below looks like a flounder at the bottom of the sea.
He looked her in the eye while she was giving him The Flounder BJ.

While giving him the Flounder, she noticed her carpet needed to be vacuumed, AND the ceiling fan was dirty.
by TheOneAndOnlyBowser July 23, 2019
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Where a guy sticks four fingers in girls vagina and wiggles his four fingers around like a fish gasping for air
Larry was so ready to give this thot a flopping flounder
by Lorenzo Loco March 7, 2017
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