Pulling a Flint Michigan is when your shit is so watery that it comes out in almost liquid form, causing only a stream of brown liquid to come out. Similar to that of the muddy water coming out of a Flint Michigan faucet.
Person 1: Did you like that one restaurant I recommended?
Person 2: Yeah, but it made me pull a Flint Michigan.
by Susshitime December 11, 2022
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When double fisting a woman with open hands, one hand in the vagina and one hand in the anus and rubbing back and forth like you are trying to start a fire
Man, she really loved it when i started flinting her
by DRGREGDRGREG April 27, 2022
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when you take a newborn baby, but it in a burlap sack with a rock, tie a rope around it and toss it in the river
Redneck1: I got my sister pregnant
Redneck2: what are yall going to do?
Redneck1: It will be a flint river baby
by thatsouthernboy January 1, 2018
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If you are gambling with friends at a party and someone throws out coins instead of dollar bills, you call that flint rocks.
Man, get those flint rocks out of here.
by Slew dog January 17, 2018
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When you shit so bad it turns the tap water in to brown murky water, similar to the water in Flint MI.
I just made a flint flooder and now I cant wash my hands.
by jamaican bobsled team October 22, 2023
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I honestly didn’t know it was a real thing I thought it was from Minecraft so don’t ask me bro
by Unsub July 6, 2021
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The sexual act of pouring gasoline, or any flammable substance, down the woman's vagina or anus. Then, vigorously penetrating that person, so that the friction sparks a flame.
Hey, have you tried flint and steel?

Yeah man, I burnt down the cemetery!
by Hoph21 June 26, 2019
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