(Noun) A normally long and thin implement, as a fire extinguisher pin or the flint mechanism from a Clipper lighter, for poking down the end of a spliff.

It should be know that anyone who keeps a fire extinguisger pin on their keyring, does indeed smoke marijuana.
Can you pass me a cigarette, please? I need a Pokey Mc Downer to finish off this spliff.


None known
by Mc Downer February 2, 2010
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When someone says something awesome about Little Debbie snacks, and then someone says something negative about that same snack.
Guy 1: Holy crap, these Little Debbie cakes are orgasmic!
Guy 2: Dude, those totally suck
Guy 3: Why do you always have to be such a Little Debbie Downer?
Guy 1: This is why no one likes you
by lack of cheese November 18, 2010
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(n.) Someone who tries constantly to out-do your bad personal experiences with their own bad stories, which in their eyes, is always worse.
Me: Oh man, I just had the worst day at work! I got fired...

Tim: Oh, sorry about that. Mine wasn't too much better. I forgot to save a really long document before shutting down my computer. Such a bad day!

Tim's a clear one-upper downer
by The Communicator November 11, 2009
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Dec. 3rd 2015


-a Debbie Doobie Downer is the person, in a group of friends smoking weed, who brings everyone down and creates a down vibe.
David Spade is a Debbie Doobie Downer.
by @tris10kelsay December 4, 2015
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The horrible feeling you get when your back home after a holiday to magaluf
John: Dude i feel so depressed since coming home

Doctor Pete : you got Magaluf downer syndrome!
by Milic15 August 1, 2010
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a person who is around you to spend all your money then, leaves you after your broke
You heard about tiffany's new man? only been together for a week til she got paid.he's a real spend me downer,cause he dropped her after her paycheck was gone
by MIZZ PEACHES May 18, 2008
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