A blister that forms on a males testicles after sitting in his dingey tighty whiteys and creating lumps and sores from the caked and moistened fecal matter ther is suck on them.
That homeless dude has been sitting in his shit forever. I bet you he has enormous dingey ball blisters!
by Gynah head January 7, 2009
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Similar to Going Commando. To wear closed toe shoes without socks, giving you blisters
"Man, my heel is killing me, I shouldn't have gone blister commando yesterday"
by Kevin February 22, 2005
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A dirty bitch who sleeps with many people, is painful to be around, only like's to associate with people when she benefits from a situation, has a few friends but thinks she's prettier then them and talks shit about them behind their back, constantly looks in the mirror, has to reapply makeup every 5 minutes, is always fishing for compliments from anyone who will talk to her, is a shitty person, narcissistic, self absorbed, egotistical, conceited, selfish, more annoying them a Hemorrhoid, and acts like a big Twat.
Look at Raven clinging on that guy because she thinks he has money and will take her home. She's worse then a gold digger, she's acting like a Cum Guzzling Twat Blister!
by SassyJax01 April 28, 2011
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1. Expression used when experiencing something incomprehensibly awesome or utterly disgusting.
2. Insinuating extreme bodily harm.
3. Used randomly when having nothing else to say.
John : OMG! I just won 50 kilos of cocaine ...
John : ... and beat your brother to a pulp with a hockey stick.
Bob : jesus blistering fist fuck!

John : Say, have you ever had a Jesus, Blistering, Fist Fuck?

John : This track is awesome!
Bob : Yeah, jesus blistering fist fuck it's cool!
by prosci8 September 7, 2009
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its where soap stays in water for a long period of time gets soft and easy to break. annoying as hell.
"I left some soap in water now its got a soap blister."
by The Anti Shawty February 28, 2023
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