A meme/example/description that's true to life - like true to size, except true to life.
I had a dream last night that I was packing for Mexico but I couldn't find anything to wear, which is true to life since I have no clothes
by Userphuser December 20, 2022
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When you bite into a raisin cookie thinking it was chocolate chip.
(Why do people make raisin cookies?)
Hey look! A chocolate cookie!

Bleugh! Seriously? Why raisins, WHY!?

People watching: Oof, that's true betrayal if I've ever seen it!
by The Living Walking Dictionary February 17, 2023
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The kind of person who wears cowboy hats and boots, has an open carry license, and knows only two things that come from Italy: Pasta and Firearms.
Girl 1: Hey did you see that guy who walked up to me?
Girl 2: The one with the cowboy hat? He was a true texan alright.
by My Snake is Solid April 17, 2019
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When someone hits a shot in tennis that the other player can't get a touch of.
"Man those Muncy players sure love to hit true winners!"
by L-esboro April 29, 2023
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The reality is that you're entire worldview is fallacy.
Hym "Because regardless of what the TRUE Scottsman prefers the inevitable outcome of evolutionary biology is extinction."
by Hym Iam August 6, 2023
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