a fake tennis fan who only follows the Grand Slams and none of the smaller tennis tournaments
S: Omg, did you watch Indian Wells last night? That Delpo match was insane!
N: Uhh... durr... what?
S: Ugh, you're such a Grand Slam girl.
by FThunder526 March 30, 2018
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*one bootliciouse son of a bitch
*The intrinsic nature associated with Asian McFloy. Including but not limited to those associated with the Tory's and Cusher Van Buren
*whatever you want it to mean
That is one Un Pero Grande
Un Pero Grande is a bad ass mother fucker
by Cusher Van Buren December 10, 2004
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A Pool Shark always named Marty. Grande Tiburon takes money off Pez Pequeno with ease.
Grande Tiburon Marty had to shoot pool with 1 hand with the pez pequeno Jose because he took to much money from him.
by 4th Street King January 16, 2022
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A term used to refer scorpions having sex.
"During sex, the male and female jerk and dance around, sometimes with their tails intertwined, with the male holding the female in his pincers. The a male scorpion ejaculates on the ground and pulls the female so her sex organ touches the sperm. After she takes in the sperm the couple usually disengage and go their separate ways." -factsanddetails.com
Thanks, KIM
Do you know about the Scorpion Grand Slam? Cause it is a rollercoaster.
by Jackieeieie February 14, 2022
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Grama drives all the way 2 North Muskegon jus to go 2 WalMart... You and your cousin are in the car... "Grama, what're you doing?" "Driving to WalMart." Even though she lives all the way in Grand Haven... this was too priceless.
"Cousin: Grama, where r we going?
Grama: North Muskegon
Cousin: Why???
Grama: To go 2 WalMart!!!
Cousin: Grama, you know There's A Wal-Mart In Grand Haven, don't you???"
by Katie Marie Bell October 4, 2011
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one who hustles, hits it, and quits it
grand hustle zaggin that soulja boy hoooooooooe. yooooooooou!
by harold sniff May 20, 2008
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