A Country Personification is a type of personification that involves countries, there are many types of country personifications but the well known ones are Hetalia and Countryhumans.
Unfortunely, this type of personification gets a really bad reputation due to the toxic communities making inaccurate/offensive art, shipping, and many more...
"National Personification is possibly the most earliest country personifications in the world and still used today!"
by Country_enjoyer August 25, 2022
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Country off the coast of Oregon
Spoken language is “Organese”
Recognized as an official country in 1702
“You forgot about the country of Oregon!”
by Micheal Jackson man September 7, 2021
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Certified country is the type of country person that will walk in and kick your dog in the face and slap your old lady on her ass all with a beer in hand and Marlboro Red hanging out the mouth.
That dude is straight certified country he's crazy man!!! But he's a damn good dude!!!
by Gracefully lady January 17, 2021
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When relative sneeks in to have sex with the thanksgiving turkey and someone at the table asks who made the gravy and your Grandma tells you there was no gravy made.
Uncle Harold brought the country gravy again.
by NickTok_78 November 28, 2020
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You wanna go country duck?
You trynna country duck?
I wanna country duck!
Let me country duck.
by That1gaygirl June 10, 2019
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what you listen when u would like to listen to sum smooth country but need to get hype up. sum good jams for this is sandy back allies, bitches in the boots, ripped jeans in New York, scruffy blunt
friend:man I want some country

friend 2:noo I want sum ting lit
me: what y'all need is some country rap hype beast
by m0bamba_lover_69 January 1, 2019
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