It's that thing where you take a dump and when your poop hits the water you realize you were so electrically charged (static) that you feel the spark in your butt, leg hairs or feet.
Heat must be on because I just took a major static dump!
by GardenGateKeeper January 6, 2016
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A song that sounds really bad and staticky because of the sound card on the computer or the recording device thus making your ears bleed.
Bill: Hey did you hear John's new song?

Damon: Yeah, but I got a static ear bleed because of all the static, he really needs to get a new computer.
by hewhosubmitsdefinitions July 20, 2009
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Someone who socializes with a lot of females and ends up bagging them. It is also know as pulling ebitches or ethots. static#0004 is the main user of this act.
Static was staticizing pulling tons of ebitches.
by staticballs April 10, 2022
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a literary or dramatic character who undergoes little or no inner change; a character who does not grow or develop.
Tiny Tim is a static character
by Trullman December 16, 2016
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when it’s tension in the air and you’ll be damned a mf come to you with the bs
I swear if that n*gga come up to me its static
by Yomajj May 2, 2021
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